Isicelo Sokuphathwa Kwamanzi Okuphuziwe KweBhiya
Njengoba umhlinzeki we-webhu wokuhambisa, ngikhombisele ukuthumela kwezindaba ezinhle ezingaphansi kwezindawo zomsebenzi we-project we-Uganda ukuthi Center Enamel isebenzisele ukwamukela kwesimo somshini wezamanzi zebiya. I-project iyisisekelo esikhishwe kwi-inkqubo yokuhambisa kanye nokuguqula kwemisebenzi yokuhambisa, okuyisisekelo esibambisene nokwakhiwa kwesimo somshini wezamanzi, futhi iyakwazi ukuthola ukuvuna okwamahhala kwezomnotho kanye nezomnotho.
Isicelo Sokuphakama Kwesivinini Sokuqothula Amanzi Okuphuzwisa Ibhidi,
The client for this project is a famous American beer company, and it has a long cooperative relationship with Center Enamel for many years. Out of the recognition of the customer, Center Enamel was selected as the storage tank supplier for the expansion of the wastewater treatment project of the Uganda beer production base. Since the expansion project is continued construction on the basis of the initial construction and commissioning of wastewater treatment, which has certain construction difficulties. It is mainly reflected in the normal operation of wastewater treatment facilities and the smooth progress of construction work for capacity expansion and transformation.
Through in-depth communication with customers, Center Enamel has formulated a construction plan with multiple guarantees, laying a solid foundation for the smooth development of the project's high-quality, high-standard construction and subsequent work. At the same time, during the execution of the project, Center Enamel's engineering installation team overcame the impact of the epidemic, used a variety of new technologies to improve construction efficiency and ensure construction quality, and completed the beer wastewater treatment expansion project on the specified date, which was highly recognized by customers.
Ukukhokhelwa kwesakhiwo esiphilile kwalokhu kungenzeka kungaba yindlela yokubonisa ubunzima nokuziphathela kwesimo senkampani ye-Center Enamel kuphela kodwa futhi kungaba yisikhathi sokuthola izinqumo zokuthuthukiswa kwezindawo zasezweni. Ngezinqumo zokuthuthukiswa kwesimo senkampani yasezweni, i-Center Enamel izokwazi nokuthi izithuthukiselele kwiqiniso lezinhlobo zezindawo zasezweni, iziphakamise izidingo zezindawo zasezweni, futhi izokwazi ukwakha izinhlelo zokulungiswa kwesimo ezinhle kakhulu kubantu basezweni ngokusekelwe kwezindlela zokusebenza zokulungiswa kwesimo ezinhle kakhulu kanye nezindlela zokusebenza zokulungiswa kwesimo ezinhle kakhulu.