I-Center Enamel inikeza amathangi okuhlanganisa izinkampani zokuhlanza izinto ezivamile kwezindawo zokuthuthukiswa kwamaphrojekthi yokuhlanza izinto ezivamile.
Ngesikhathi esisha, isicelo sokuhlanzwa kwamabhokisi okuthuthukile kwezilwandle zasekhaya. I-Shijiazhuang Zhengzhong Technology Co., Ltd. isetshenziselwe ukwamukela isicelo sokuhlanzwa kwamabhokisi okuthuthukile kwezilwandle zasekhaya e-Poyang County futhi isetshenziswa izitanki zokugcina izinto zokwenza okwesikhathi eside kwezilwandle zasekhaya ukuze kwenzeke ukuthi isikweletu esithuthukile esikweletwa kusukela ekuthuthukiseni kwamabhokisi okuthuthukile kwezilwandle kwezilwandle e-Poyang County kufanele kube nomphumela.
The leachate produced during the incineration of domestic waste has a complex composition and high heavy metal content, which is one of the most important secondary pollutants. If it is discharged directly, it will seriously damage the urban ecological environment. Center Enamel has formulated a set of landfill leachate storage solutions suitable for local conditions based on the site survey of power plants and the characteristics of sewage water quality. This project adopts the most advanced GFS tanks for waste leachate treatment storage tanks and formulates a reasonable construction process to effectively improve the construction efficiency of the project. At the same time, we will do a good job of comprehensive project construction quality management and implement strict supervision on the construction site. Taking full advantage of Genzon Technology's rich construction experience and strict construction specifications, improving quality and efficiency to complete the construction of domestic waste treatment projects, it has been highly recognized by customers.
I-Center Enamel ayikwazi kuphela ukwenza i-Glass-Fused-to-Steel tanks eChina kodwa futhi iyisikhathi esiningi ekwenzeni izinkampani ezifakwe ngamabhulokhi ezifakwe ngamabhulokhi e-Asia. I-engineering & design, ukutholakala kwemvelo, kanye nezindleko zaseCenter Enamel Glass-Fused-to-Steel tanks zingase ziqinisekisiwe ngokwe- AWWA D103-09, OSHA, ISO 28765, NSF/ANSI 61, NFPA, kanye nezinye izimo zezwe. I-Center Enamel Glass-Fused-to-Steel tanks zisebenzisa kakhulu kwi-imvelo yokudla / amanzi okuphuzwayo, izifo zasekhaya, amanzi asemasipala, i-bio-energy, i-landfill leachate, i-agriculture kanye nezinye izinto. Kuya ku-2021, izitanki zaseCenter Enamel zazisendelwa ezweni elingaphezulu kwezinye izizwe ezintathu kakhulu kusuka e-USA, e-Australia, e-Canada, e-Malaysia, e-Indonesia, e-Russia, e-UAE, e-Panama, e-Brazil kanye ne-South Africa njll. Izimo zethu ezinhle kakhulu zezitanki kanye nezikhathi zethu ezimnandi zisiphe amandla emhlabeni wonke.