Sichuan Fire Water Tanks Was Successfully Delivered to The Customer - Sichuan i-Fire Water Tanks Wayengaphansi Kwesikhungo Sokuqala Kwezikhungo
Kwesokunxele kwesinyanga esihle, izinhlelo zika Center Enamel Co., Ltd. zathunyelwa ngokuphela "ibha lephrojekthi". Ngokwezokwelapha kwamanzi okuncitshisayo eChengdu, eSichuan, itenki lemanzi okuncitshisayo lomlilo elondolozelwe ngokwesekhaya futhi lomsebenzi wakhiwa ngokwezokuphatha yi Center Enamel wathunyelwa ngokuphela kubasebenzisi. Uma kubhekwa ngaphansi, itenki lemanzi lokuncitshisayo lithatha indawo phansi kwezulu eliluhlaza, libhekelela okuzingelosi futhi libhekelela okuhle kubaprojekthi.
Ukusebenzisa izinsiza zokuhlela web, khombisa izidingo zokusebenza, faka izifundo ezinhle.
Center Enamel iyi ngokusebenzisa umphakathi wokuvula amathuba obuchwepheshe obunomthelela wokuthuthukisa, ukwenza kanye nokuthengisa izinhlelo zokuthuthukisa.
GFS tanks and environmental protection diversified equipment, as well as the undertaking of environmental protection EPC engineering and anaerobic process section. In the process of project practice, the company has continuously increased research and development efforts, pooled scientific research and technical strength, formed a service system covering from research and development to after-sales, and can quickly and high-quality tailor-made solutions for customers.
Umkhokheli weprojekthi wamanzi wokushisa waseSichuan ungumsebenzi wamabala waseNingizimu Afrika wokudla okwazi ukwaziwa. Iteam yezobuchwepheshe yaseCenter Enamel yathumela izinhlangano zokuxhumana nokhokho lwasekhaya wokudla ukuze ibonelele imfihlo nokunikeza izidingo ngokwesizwe, ukuze ukuthuthukiswa, ukukhula, nokukhokhelwa kwezikhala zokushisa kwenzeke ngokwesizwe. Ukusebenza ngokwezikhathi kwezinhlobo zokuphathwa kwezikhala zokushisa kwekhokho lwasekhaya kwenza ukuthuthukiswa kwezinhlelo.
Inkampani eneqiniso yokuthuthukisa umphakathi ngokuthi ibe yisikhathi esizayo.
Isilinganiso sokuphawula: Isimo sokuphawula izinhlelo kumele asiphumelele kumsebenzi wokwakha nokukhula, kodwa futhi kumele sibuyele kubumqondo obungcono bezokuthuthukiswa kwemvelo, ukuthuthukiswa kwesimo, ukuthuthukiswa kwesikhathi, ukuncintisana nokukhuthaza. Center Enamel ikhuthaza ngokukhuthaza kwezokuthengiswa kanye nezimo zomthetho. Ngokwesikhathi sakhe esikhulu kanye nokwazi kwakhe kwezokuthuthukiswa, Center Enamel ikhuthaza ukwakha nokuthuthukisa izinhlelo zokulungiswa kwezokulungiswa kanye nezinhlelo zokulungiswa zokulungiswa ngokusebenzisa umphakathi wakhe wokuthuthukisa kwezokuthuthukiswa kwezinkunzi zokulungiswa ukuze kufanele izidingo nezidingo zomkhakha kanye nezidingo zomsebenzi.
Namuhla, umsebenzi weZhengzhong Technology usheshisa izinhlelo zokusebenza ezifaka ukudla okuphuma kwezinye, ukudla okuphuma kwezindawo zokuhlambulula, amanzi asemasipala, izinhlelo zokusebenza ngebiogas, amanzi asekhaya, amanzi asekhaya kwezomnotho, amanzi okudla, amanzi okwesibayeni kanye nezinye izindawo. Ngaphandle kwalokho, izindlela zokufunda nokuthuthukiswa kweZhengzhong Technology zizosiza ukuthuthukisa nokusebenzisa ezinye izinhlelo, ekwenzeni ukuthi kufanele kwenzeke ukuthi kuzosiza ekuthuthukiseni kwezomnotho, okokugcina ukuthuthukisa izindawo zokuhlambulula.